Must not have a final judgment issued against them for a crime that affects honour or integrity, or have been declared bankrupt, unless their reputation has been restored.
Must have previous experience in the field of construction and building project management for no less than three years prior to submitting the application.
Must be registered in the Commercial Register.
Legal Person
Must be a Qatari company established in accordance with the provisions of the referenced Commercial Companies Law, and one of its purposes stated must be to engage in real estate development.
Must have previous experience in the field of construction and building for no less than three years prior to submitting the application.
Must not have been previously declared bankrupt by a final judgment.
Non-Qatari Companies Interested in Engaging in Real Estate Development in Qatar
Must operate within areas where non-Qataris are allowed to own property, and in accordance with the permitted areas of ownership.
Must be a company established abroad, in accordance with the regulations governing such matters, and one of its purposes must be to engage in real estate development. The establishment documents must be certified by the Qatari Diplomatic or Consular Mission in the country of establishment or its equivalent, or by those entrusted with looking after its interests in the country of the headquarters.
Must have prior experience in the field of construction and building for no less than ten years before submitting the application, and must have completed similar projects that have gained reputation and recognition.
Must establish a branch in Qatar or one of the GCC countries, and be registered in the CommercialRegister.