Real Estate Developers


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Real Estate Development Journey
Real estate developer
(Licensing and Classification)
(Real Estate Regulatory Authority)
Issuance of building permit
(Ministry of Municipality)
Unit sorting and initial bond issuance
(Ministry of Municipality - Ministry of Justice - Authority)
Open an escrow account
Project License and Advertising License
(Real Estate Regulatory Authority)
Sell ​​units and receive bonds. Benefit from all the advantages of ownership.
(Ministry of Justice)
Project closure
(Activate the owners association)

Developer Licenses

Terms and Conditions

Natural Person

Legal Person

Non-Qatari Companies Interested in Engaging in Real Estate Development in Qatar

Off-Plan Sale License

To offer off-plan units for sale, the developer must submit a request to the administration, accompanied by the following documents:

A certificate confirming the opening of the account in accordance with the provisions of this law.


Proof of ownership of the project's land, and documentation indicating the completion of off-plan subdivision, with all details of the subdivided units.


The project's estimated budget, detailing construction costs and expected revenues, certified by a licensed auditor in the country.


A draft of the announcement for the sale of off-plan units, in accordance with the provisions of Article (11) of this law.


A contract template.


The architectural designs and engineering plans for the project, approved by the relevant authorities.


A copy of the contract between the developer and any subcontractor, if applicable.


The administration shall issue its approval, including the endorsement of the draft announcement and the contract template.

Guarantor Account

The name of the developer and the agreement signed between the developer and the owner, in case the developer acts on behalf of the owner.

The criteria and regulations that must be met before any amounts are disbursed to the developer from the account.

The amount of payments made to the developer during the execution of the project, accompanied by a report from the project consultant indicating their entitlement, after being approved by the authority, in accordance with the stages of implementation.

Linking the payments deposited by buyers in the account to the actual progress of the construction work, according to a report prepared by the developer and approved by the authority.

Advertising License

The advertisement for the sale or participation in exhibitions must include, in addition to the approval of the administration, the following details:

the developer’s trade name, their headquarters, the location of the project, its nature, and a detailed description of the project. This description should include: its total area, number of floors, available unit sizes and specifications, the sale price specified for each type of unit, the payment method, the location for inspecting the project's models and units, the account number, the bank's name, and any other details specified by the administration.

Real Estate Development Dispute Resolution Committee

The Cabinet has approved the project to form Real Estate Development Dispute Resolution Committees, reinforcing Qatar’s commitment to supporting and promoting the real estate sector, enhancing competitiveness, and encouraging investment in alignment with the Qatar National Vision 2030.
The Dispute Resolution Committee focuses on the urgent resolution of disputes arising from real estate development, ensuring the prompt handling of requests, and fostering cooperation between the General Authority for Regulating the Real Estate Sector and the Supreme Judiciary.

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